
I’m a Brazilian software developer, currently living in the US.

My career started in Brazil, working with SAP and ABAP. Eventually I moved to Javascript, then C# and now Python. However, as any IT reader might have guessed, these are just part of the languages, formats, databases and tools I’ve had to deal with since 2006.

Outside of programming, I’m a metalhead, kendoka and gamer. It’s also becoming pretty clear to me that the Japanese language is way harder to learn than making sense of whatever is hot in frontend these days.

As you’ve probably noticed if you read any of my posts, I’m not a native english speaker. Therefore, if you see absolutely anything that can be improved in my texts, please open an issue in this site’s github repo. This is also true for any tech-related insanity I might have said (you know, we’ve all been there).

Thank you for reading!

Abraços a todos que tentaram ler isso e não conseguiram (se você entendeu, é nóis que voa bruxão)!